Are New Years resolutions dumb?

New Years Day 2024. Wow. Many folks will wait until the New Year to prepare a new goal or start a new habit, that kind of thing, and some people have pointed out that we don’t have to wait for a special day to start a new habit or make a change. It’s contrived. A year later is a year later.

I agree, but in my mind, having a special day helps me prepare, look forward to it, get intentional, get excited and then get started. When I sign up for a race, I have to wait for race day. I prepare my mind and body for it. Each day leading up to the race strengthens my resolve to run the race well, according to my plan and my training. I strengthen my resolve to begin strong.

So, “on New Years Day, I want to start doing ___.” Could I have started on December 29th, or November 12th, or September 8th, or any other day of the year? Yes, of course, but there’s something helpful about looking forward to a specific day, no less a day that our entire culture idealizes as “the day of new beginnings.” Life starts new on New Years Day, or so we say. We give it that power. Yes, it’s arbitrary, but culture is pretty arbitrary in general. When I say, “This year, I want to ___,” other people understand what I mean. They smile and nod and say, “Good luck! I’m trying to ___,” so I likewise smile and nod and wish them luck. Sometimes there’s a chance that we both say the same thing, and we’ve created a conversation, possibly a friendship.

So make a resolution! Write it down, make a note on your phone, print it out and put it on your wall, do something with it! No shame. But you don’t have to wait til New Years, either. Make a change on March 3rd or June 27th or whatever date finds you shaking with determination as you struggle to get out from between a rock and a hard place. Go do it.

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